Comprehensive PDS reforms is on Card, Cabinet decision

Pul’s Govt has taken some key decisions in order to bring a comprehensive PDS reforms in the state in a cabinet meeting held on Sunday.
In the meeting, it was decided to implement National Food Security Act immediately through out the state. As per the Act, 35 kg rice will be allocated to AAY household and the rice will be made available at the rate of Rs 3 per kg per persons to all priority households. For the rest of the households, rice will be available through FPS at prices on a differential scale, to be paid and settled directly by the consumers.
In areas served by the banking channels, optional were kept for direct cash transfer model. For this to happen, DCs will be instructed to undertake an exercise and finish it within three months time. As per this all priority household would get roughly Rs 22 per kg per person per month directly in their bank account and they can purchase rice from the market. It was decided to start this model well before December.
For rest of the households located in villages connected with road, cabinet has decided to make the rice available through fair price shops. The whole process will be linked with the computerization from the point of FCI lifting to till the final sale so as to ensure that no leakages are made at any stage.
The Cabinet further decided to stop transportation by head load system and to opt for air dropping in remote areas.
On HTS and past liabilities, the cabinet decided to deposit part payment up to one third of the decreed amount under protest with the court following a supreme court order with a condition that if any fraudulent claims are paid, they would be recovered with penal interest and there would be criminal liability of carriage contractors.
The cabinet also decided to file a writ petition against FCI for reimbursement of genuine HTS claims under the scheme as per the liability of FCI. It was also decided to take up the matter with the Govt of India for one time resolution at the highest level for clearing the pending liabilities.
In the Cabinet Meeting, it was also decided to clear the pending bills of small and marginal contractors and cooperatives, who have completed their work in time genuinely.