
Pul called upon the doctors “to give service in true sense”


Chief Minister Kalikho Pul called upon the doctors “to give service in true sense”. He was addressing the health functionaries of Health & Family Welfare Department in the Annual Development Agenda Meeting of the Department at Banquet Hall here today.

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He said that the govt is planning to revamp health delivery system in the state logistically as well as institutionally.  He informed that all the district hospital will be made fully equipped with diagnostic equipments and laboratories along with man powers as he felt that the people of the state often goes to outside the state spending huge amount of money for treatment of even minor ailments due to lack of diagnostic equipments and laboratories in our hospitals.

He categorically said, “there will be no compromise on purchase of medicine and people should get the free medicines from the govt hospitals”. He firmly gives directions to the department saying “unless the full medicines are supplied by the supplier,  payment should not be released against that firm”.  He asked the department to release the payment only after verifying the medicines received.

In order to empower Medical Superintendents to run the District and Zonal Hospitals in more effective way, Drawal & Disbursing (DDO) powers will be given to the Medical Superintendent with supporting ministerial staffs consisting of an Accountant cum UDC, LDC and a Computer Operator, he said.

Regarding APCMUHIS, the Chief Minister said it will be continued with the existing Insurance amount of Rs 2 lakhs.

Earlier, Hage Kojeen, Commissioner Health & Family Welfare, who presided over the meeting called upon the doctors for holistic and integrated approach to address the problems related to health sectors. He urged upon them to work with commitment and to develop work culture in order to bring desired improvement in the health delivery system as per the Norm of Indian Public Health Standard.

Dr Moji Jini, Director of Health & Family Welfare and Dr E Rumi, Joint Director highlighted status of health scenerio in the state through power point presentations.

Present in the meeting were P N Thungon, Mission Director, National Health Mission, Joint Directors, Deputy Directors, District Medical Officers and Programme Officers of the Health & Family Welfare Department.

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