Itanagar: Day long Social Service by locals of Ward No-10, Ten trucks garbage disposed off

ITANAGAR- More than Ten trucks of garbage’s were disposed off from Ward No 10 during day long Mass social service initiated by IMC Corporater Yukar Yaro with the help of local resident.
Capital is the face of the state and we need to show our good face to the people living across the district and villages of our way to living so that they also start a humble beginning in garbage management and its disposal properly, said Yukar.
She inform that today being the holiday we constituted 10 groups of local residents of Ward No 10 and started cleaning work. Also we tried best effort in creating the awareness among the people to keep and disposed the garbage properly.
We started our cleanliness drive right from the private resident of Chief Minister bungalow, Circuit house area, Ashoka Hotel area, Gandhi Market, Bank Tinali, C-I, C-II, Petrol pump area and SBI area.
The drive stared right from 5.30 AM and tried best to clean most part of the Ward till 11.30 and almost every local residents have cooperated and urge upon all to continue such social service every once a week to motivate everyone. She said.
The team led by Yaro also visited the under construction at Bank Tinali and urge upon the Highway administration and highway department to direct the executing agency to depute more manpower so that the work is completely smoothly without any hindrance in time with a quality.
Meanwhile, Yukar Yaro also appeal the denizens of capital city to support the IMC in garbage management to keep capital city clean and green.