North East

Assam: ADTU completes 7 days session of FDP

Guwahati-  Assam down town University ( ADTU ) , Guwahati successfully completes a seven day session of Faculty Development (FDP) held from 14th – 20th May, 2020.

With a lot of effort put in, by Department of Management and Department of Hospitality and Tourism & Management under Faculty of Commerce, Management, Humanities and Social Science, Assam down town University, for the seven days session of Online Faculty Development Programme (FDP) with noted personalities from different parts of the country and abroad, as speakers like, Dr. Ashish Dahiya, Professor, Hotel& Tourism Management , Maharshi Dayanand University, Dr. Deepak Bishla, System Administrator, IT Department, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Dr. Rajesh Verma, Professor; Head, Mittal School of Business, Lovely Professional University,  Mr. Neeraj Gupta, Professor, Department of Architecture, Central University of Rajasthan, Dr. Prashant Kumar Gautam, Professor (Tourism) University Institute of Hotel and Tourism Management (UIHTM) Panjab University, Chandigarh Dr. Nishikant Bora, Sr. Facilitator, Regenesys Business School, Johannesburg South Africa.

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This entire programme came to a successful end today. We had participants from 34 cities across the Country and also to mention, one from overseas.

Dignitaries from AdtU, Prof. (Dr.) Amarjyoti Choudhury,  VC, Dr. H. K. Das,   Pro VC, Prof. Bandana Dutta,  Dean of Studies, Dr. Seema Sharma, Dean, Faculty of CMHSS, Dr. Sudhansu Verma, Professor, Deptt. of Management, Dr. Bhola Chourasia, HoD, Deptt. of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Mr. Bhabajyoti Saikia, Assistant Professor, Deptt. of Management, and other members of the organising committee addressed the participants. Special thanks to Mr. Ankur Pan Saikia, IT Officer cum Assistant Professor, Deptt of CSE for seamlessly running the technical aspects across.

The university received immense amount of positive feedback throughout this programme, from all the participants. This entire session gave a wholesome exposure to the participants on how to make the switch from Classroom Learning to Online Learning more interactive and user-friendly, with latest softwares & technology being discussed to make this switch more & more convenient .

Meanwhile the university has plan to bring many such programmes in coming days for the benefit of faculty members and researchers.

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