
Arunachal: TAH will open new doors of connectivity all over state

ZIRO-( By Citizen Reporter Pill Tayam )- People of Arunachal Pradesh are  expecting that “Trans Arunachal Highway will open the new doors of connectivity and they will easily communicate with other states, things will definitely change for good and will create a positive impression among outsiders.

“ At present several TAH roads are rough, but leads to the height of greatness.”At the time when people were so upset about snail pace progress of TAH and also had long been tagged in the low standard of roads and were plagued by the severe issue of land compensations,new developments are bringing a ray of something to happen or to be true for the people and the government of the state.


The Trans Arunachal Highway [TAH] Potin to Bopi is expected to boost both trade and commerce. It can also relatively reduce traveling time to different districts,cities and towns thereby encouraging people to travel for business and trade.

The ensuing Trans Arunachal Highways construction [TAH] Paigate to Boasimla will make journey faster,comfortable and safer than usual, while at the same time reducing fuel consumption too.

The road which was a distant dream for many common people residing within the stretch is finally taking shape.

The precution may be taken by the constructing agency during the upcoming rainy season.

Landslides may occur or trees may fall down suddenly causing blockade to the road which is a natural phenomena in the hilly terrains of Arunachal Pradesh.

Driving in rainy seasons is bit risky but one has to be cautious.The hilly areas are covered by mist during rains and the place is quite messy too.


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