
Arunachal: SCCZ conducts Workshop on Classroom Counselling

ZIRO-   The Department of Education, Saint Claret College, Ziro (SCCZ) in collaboration with the Counselling Cell & People Education and Social Empowerment Centre (PESEC) of the institution conducted a one-day workshop on Teachers’ Toolbox for Classroom Counselling with the objective to equip teachers with counselling skills and tools that would be useful to enhance their role in shaping the future of students.

The workshop was attended by 48 participants made up of school teachers, college teachers, and students. Sr. Mary Vanaja, College Counsellor, SCCZ, conducted the four technical sessions of the workshop covering topics such as Tenets of Positive Psychology for students’ well-being, Listening and communication: Essentials skills of Counselling, Basics of CBT for optimal growth, and Managing stress and Self-care.

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Shri Tage Gambo, Vice Principal of Dani Kuniya Government Higher Secondary School, Ziro was the Chief Guest of the Inaugural Session. During his address, he spoke about the importance of having a cordial relationship between teachers and students. He further stated that teaching should be about guiding students to find their aspirations and purpose.

He also added that education should not be limited only to bookish  knowledge but also should be about teaching the students about various moral values. Rev. Dr Fr. Allwyn Mendoz, Principal SCCZ while addressing the participants, spoke about the need to listen to students and identify underlying issues before addressing problems in the classroom.

All the sessions were conducted with utmost intellectual vigour and practical exercises. The feedback from the participants regarding the workshop was positive. The Department hopes to organize many such workshops for teachers in the days to come.

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