
Arunachal: preliminary meeting on proposed visit of Dalai Lama to Tawang

MLA Tawang Tsering Tashi informed that Dalai Lam has consented to visit Tawang, but the weather condition of Tawang is a major factor in making the visit successful,

TAWANG-    A preliminary meeting on the proposed visit of the 14th Dalai Lama to Tawang was convened in the conference hall of DC office Tawang this morning. The meeting was attended by MLA Tawang Tsering Tashi, ZPC Leki Gombu, Deputy Commissioner Kanki Darang, abbot Sera Jey Jamyang Choikorling Monastery, Dolhe Rinpoche, representatives from various monasteries, nunneries, PRI leaders and officers.

DC Tawang Kanki Darang in his welcome address said that, it will be a good opportunity for all of us to have audience of Dalai Lama in Tawang, but this is just a preliminary meeting wherein we shall discuss about the ground work preparations. He sought cooperation from all to make this visit successful.

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MLA Tawang Tsering Tashi informed that Dalai Lam has consented to visit Tawang, but the weather condition of Tawang is a major factor in making the visit successful. In todays preliminary meeting a tentative programme has to be finalised which will be further send to govt for consideration and pursue with office of the Dalai Lama he added.

During Open discussion seeking suggestions and opinion from members present, lama Ngawang Norbu, Lama Jampa Tsundu, from Tawang monastery, Lobsang Phuntso, founder Director of Jhamtse Gatsal lungla and other members placed their suggestions for formation of state level reception committee, and other matters related to the proposed visit.

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In this preliminary meeting the house formed a committee to inspect the places of visit by Dalai Lama on his proposed visit, and asked the committee members to submit their report/Proposals if any needed for renovation of those places at an earliest.

A committee headed by Senior monk Lama Ngawang was also formed to offer long life offering and prayers(Tenshug)to Dalai Lama.


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