Arunachal: Online International Seminar ‘Hiroshima Day for Peace in Gandhian Perspective’ at RGU

Rono Hills: Online International Seminar ‘Hiroshima Day for Peace in Gandhian Perspective’ at RGU brings together 7 countries across 4 Continents.
Today, as the world observes Hiroshima Day as an Anti-War or Anti-Nuclear Day to pay obeisance to the victims of the atomic holocaust at Hiroshima, Rajiv Gandhi University paid its homage with a one-day International Webinar on ‘Hiroshima Day for Peace in Gandhian Perspective’ organized by the Department of English, RGU, in collaboration with Gandhi-King Global Initiative, Stanford University Centre, USA & Gandhi-King Foundation, Hyderabad. Around fifteen hundred participants have registered for the Webinar with more than three hundred participants joining on the main platform and the rest connecting through Facebook Live.
The inaugural session was graced by the presence of the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh, Brig. (Dr.) B. D. Mishra (Retd.) who is also the Chief Rector of the University, as the Chief Guest of the programme. In his address, the Governor highlighted the great role that India has played in spreading the message of peace across the globe through the message propagated by such great people as the Buddha and Mahavira. Sir also shared his experiences as a war veteran in the country’s effort towards maintaining peace with her neighbours and emphasized upon the fact that peace is a fundamental rights of human beings and how it is the need of the hour to inculcate the love for peace in every individual.
Prof. Saket Kushwaha, the Vice-Chancellor of Rajiv Gandhi University and Chief Patron of this International Webinar, also highlighted upon the significance of the programme and need for following the path of peace in contemporary times of turbulence. He expressed the view that the path shown by Gandhiji can serve as a panacea to the violence that surrounds the world.
The Evening Session was Chaired by the Pro-Vice Chancellor, Prof. Amitava Mitra. In his address, Prof. Mitra laid stress on following the ideals of Gandhiji to prevent violence and arrive at a consensus for peace. The Keynote Address in this session was delivered by Prof. Jonathan Granoff, President, Global Security Institute, USA.
Prof. Clayborne Carson, Director, Martin Luther King Jr. Education & Research Institute, Stanford University, USA delivered the Keynote Address. Prof. Clayborne Carson, highlighted the importance of understanding the dangers of self-centered nationalism. He pointed out the irony of today’s world, “While we denounce the use of nuclear weapons, we rely on them for national defense strategies.” He expressed the need to find a alternative source for the protection of Civil Rights, an alternative power to confront nation states.
The Welcome Address was delivered by Dr. K.C. Mishra, HOD, English, RGU. He expressed his gratitude to all the esteemed guests and participants for taking part in this initiative towards peace undertaken by RGU and Gandhi-King Organization.
Prof. B. Nayak, convener of the Webinar enumerated the importance and the objectives of the program.
The morning session had nine speakers from around the globe while the evening session had five international speakers including Ela Gandhi from Gandhi Development Trust, South Africa and rand daughter of Mahatma Gandhi. The Webinar had speakers from Japan, the USA, South Africa, Germany, Colombia and Norway. The scholarly talk delivered by the eminent speakers across countries was a very enriching experience for the participants.