
Arunachal: NES formally launched the school adaptation programme

students should be provided with friendly as well as professionally environment so that stthey can approach the teachers more often to clear their doubts and confusions-Taba Tedir 


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The Nyishi Elite Society (NES) today formally launched school adoption programme here at Government Higher Secondary School, Yazali in presence of Taba Tedir, Minister of Education, Cultural Affairs etc., Raga MLA Tarin Dakpe, NES President Bengia Tolum, NES, ANSU, ANYA executive members and other dignitaries.

Taking serious view of the poor performance of students in CBSE examination and high rate of drop out students in the last few years, the NES has decided to adopt one school in each Nyishi dominated district which will serve as model school.

Minister Education and Cultural Affairs Taba Tedir stated that students should be provided with friendly as well as professionally environment so that stthey can approach the teachers more often to clear their doubts and confusions.

He also informed that there are 3793 schools in the state and out of that around 500 schools are not functioning properly due to zero enrollments.

He also stated that school campus should be tobacco free zone and strict direction should be issued by the school authority against any kind of drugs and tobacco.   He called for discipline in the schools and asked the teachers not to allow mobile phones in the classroom.

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Meanwhile, Tedir has assured for construction boundary wall and school auditorium soon in Government Higher Secondary School, Yazali.

Bengia Tolum, President of NES while informed that NES will adopt seven schools this year, one each from Nysihi dominated districts. He added that they will adopt either Secondary schools or Higher Secondary Schools and constitute a committee to work on providing better education to the students.

Raga MLA Tarin Dakpe also spoke the gathering and stressed on the importance of quality education and discipline in schools.

Lower Suabansiri Deputy Commissioner Chukhu Takar, Yachuli ADC JT Obi, Kimin ADC LIkha Tejji, HODs of area, Members from ANSU and ANYA and hundreds of general public, teaching faculty and students of various school of Yazali township were present on the occasion

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