
Arunachal Guv BD Mishra, CM Pema Khandu convey May Day greetings

Governor appeals to all Arunachalis to observe all the precautions against COVID-19

ITANAGAR – The Governor of Arunachal Pradesh Brig. (Dr.) B. D. Mishra (Retd.) and Chief Minister Pema Khandu conveyed MAY DAY  greetings.

The Governor of Arunachal Pradesh Brig. (Dr.) B. D. Mishra (Retd.) has conveyed his warm greetings and good wishes to all the citizens of the State, particularly, the workers, both men and women on the occasion of the International Day of Labour.


In his message to the people, the Governor said that International Labour Day, also known as International Workers’ Day or May Day is observed every year to promote the welfare of the workers wherever they may be and encourage the employers and international labour associations for the amelioration of the workers’ milieu. The day marks the importance of workers’ movement for the much needed improvement in their working terms and conditions, he said.

The Governor complimented all workers in all lands for their contribution to structural, economic and social progresses all over the world. The development of all institutions and the people is the direct result of the sweat and toil of the workers. It is the tireless work and service of the workers, which delivers gains, comfort and wellbeing in all fields. On account of the diligence and dedication of the countless workers, the society, the country, the domain of all living creatures and the environment are being shaped. For their role the workers deserve our gratitude, he said.

On this day, let us acknowledge the sacrifices of the workers and compliment them for helping the country and the people in all walks of life, the Governor said.

On the occasion, the Governor also appealed to all Arunachalis to observe all the precautions against COVID-19 and help the society in checking the spread of the deadly virus.

Chief Minister Pema Khandu has conveyed his wishes on the occasion of International Worker’s Day to the people.

“May Day celebrates the contribution and sacrifice of workers to and for the society. The working class builds the foundation whereon the society thrives. Let’s join hands to recognize their contributions and give them their due on this day,” he said in a message here this evening.

Citing the ongoing pandemic, Khandu expressed concern over the fact that it affects the working class the most and assured government support as and when needed.

“I appeal my working class brothers and sisters, who are vulnerable to the Covid 19 virus being extended frontline workers, to adhere to all covid related protocols for their own and their family’s safety. I assure you that the government is keeping watch over the situation in the state and will support our working class through thick times if it comes knocking,” he said.

While advising all to avoid gatherings and celebrations as per SoPs circulated by the district administrations, he called upon all to celebrate the special day by expressing gratitude to the working class from confines of their homes.

Khandu further appealed all members of the working class, who are eligible, to take the COVID 19 jabs at their nearest health centers.


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