In an act of humility and sense of duty towards the public, the Governor arranged for an expecting lady to be carried in the helicopter he was travelling to receive medical aid.
While the martial arts demonstration by Indian Army soldiers and cultural activities by enthusiastic civil participants was on during the ‘Tawang Maitree Diwas’ yesterday at Tawang, MLA of Lumla informed the Chief Minister that there was a serious expecting lady who was in need of immediate evacuation. He also mentioned that for the next three days, there will be no helicopter flights from Guwahati to Tawang and therefore, the patient’s condition will deteriorate critically.
While seated on the dais, the Governor was over hearing this conversation and he asked the Chief Minister to prepare the patient to be sent in the helicopter he was travelling to Itanagar
Due to the full load in the Governor’s helicopter, the Governor directed two officers from his entourage to be dropped out of the helicopter to accommodate the patient and her husband. However, the helicopter, due to lack of fuel could not fly direct from Tawang to Itanagar and it had to land at Tezpur for refuelling.
After the refuelling, when the helicopter took off from Tezpur Air Force Station, the Pilot noticed a technical snag in the helicopter engine and the helicopter became unfit to take off and the flight had to be aborted.
The Governor got very concerned regarding the early evacuation of the patient. Accordingly, he made a requisition bid to the Air Officer Commanding of Air Force Station, Tezpur for requisitioning another helicopter. Since there was no helicopter available at Tezpur Air Force Station which could carry the entire party of the aborted helicopter flight, the Governor made a further requisition bid for another helicopter, to evacuate the patient back to Itanagar.
The Governor also arranged for an Ambulance with a Lady Doctor (Gynaecologist) ready at Raj Bhavan helipad to take the patient without any loss of time to hospital. At Heema Hospital, Itanagar the patient underwent a successful emergency caesarean delivery.
His Excellency, the Governor has conveyed his best wishes to the mother and the newly born.