
Arunachal: Fake FB account exploits a minor girl using her picture, father cries for help

PASIGHAT ( By- Maksam Tayeng )- Becoming a victim of social media exploitation and its misuse, a 17 years old minor girl studying in class X has been made victim of such acts by an unknown Facebook account user ‘!!!!! ’ due to which the girl has stopped going to school and outside out of depression.

As per an FIR lodged at Itanagar Police Station on 30th January 2021, father of the girl has sought police help in tracking out the fake facebook ID user citing his daughter’s photos are being used by this fake facebook user as profile picture and posting illicit and inappropriate comments on others FB accounts.


“My lone daughter is being dragged and tortured by the fake FB account user mentally saying her name will be defamed including bringing public shame to parents. Due to such acts of fake account users my daughter is mentally suffering and is almost going mad.

She is no more going to school and elsewhere and is crying always, ‘if she commits anything wrong, who will be held responsible?’ We are completely helpless as the fake account user is threatening to bring more shame to my daughter”, added the girl’s father, sadly.

Father  has also informed that, he had approached Officer-in-Charge, Itanagar PS for timely identification of the fake FB account user and to take appropriate action, but police seemed to do little on the case.

“Police are saying that such cases are hard to crack as there are several such cases. We had also visited the Women police station of Itanagar but we are not getting desired help instantly”, added the girl’s father further who is also running around to cyber cafes of the state capital to track and identify the person behind his daughter.

Meanwhile, when Itanagar Police Station OC, Phassang Simi was contacted over the case, he said that an investigation is already being initiated. “In such cases we need to send the details to the Police Head Quarter from where cyber experts make necessary investigations and such procedures often take time. But we are into the job and trying to help the family”, added the OC saying such a person if identified will be taken strict action.


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