According to AKDDSU, massive irregularities are in delivery of textbook & school uniforms, improper distribution of mid-day meal and sanitary napkins etc.
The All Kra-Daddi District Student Union (AKDDSU) on Friday drew the attention of the Govt towards massive financial irregularities, mismanagement of funds sanctioned for education and infrastructure development of schools in Kra-daadi district.
According to AKDDSU, presently education scenario in the district has been plagued by myriads of problems such as non delivery of textbook & school uniforms, improper distribution of mid-day meal and sanitary napkins, poor management in schools, bogus beneficiaries in the stipend list, to name a few.
Armed with RTI documents, AKDDSU president, Gora Rikam bhai in a press conference has alleged that the District Department of Education has failed to run the schools in the best interests of education of children and now immediate intervention from the state government is needed for further growth of the district.
Appreciating the Chief Minister for launching Chief Minister Samast Shiksha Yojana (CMSSY), Rikam regretted that while the said scheme is progressing well in other districts, on the other hand, he allege that it has been implemented in mostly non-functional schools under Kra-daadi thereby causing huge loss to state exchequer and also adversely affecting students education.
While he did not mention the scale of mismanagement, however, Rikam alleged that a major chunk out of 4 crores of the funds sanctioned under CMSSY was being misused, mismanaged or siphoned off.
Referring to finding during its educational tour conducted across the district, Rikam alleged that many non-functional schools are selected under the CMSSY scheme by the concerned implementing department.
He also alleged that the students enrolled in government schools in the district are still waiting to receive the books and uniforms including sanitary napkins they are entitled to.
“Most surprising is that still, we could not trace out whom the education department awarded the tender for implementing the midday meal, textbooks, and sanitary napkins as there is no mention of any names or any prior tender notice found in RTI documents we have obtained ” Rikam alleged.
He blaming the Deputy Director for School education(DDSE), Kra Daadi for the whole mess, Rikam called for replacing the incumbent with an eligible officer who has a better understanding of the needs of students.
Informing that it already submitted a memorandum in this regards to Chief Secretary seeking his immediate intervention on Friday, Rikam appealed to concerned authorities to ensure that the basic amenities reach to each student and to monitor it on a regular basis.
Further, he also called for the reconstitution of members of the committee looking after the development of education in the district while claiming that the current committee has been formed in haste manner and may be inefficient member due to which the check and balance is not been done properly. He added.