APETA demand immediate implementation of RTE Act in state

Arunachal Pradesh Elementary Teachers Association (APETA) today demanded immediate implementation of the Right to Education (RTE) Act- 2009 in the state in proper manner.
Addressing the media person at APETA Advisory Board Member Bamar Yinyo said that after imposition of Right to Education Act-2009 the state government have framed the Education Act-2010 and several rules were frames wide Government notification ED2/167/2009 dated 19th August 2010 but it is not implemented properly in the state.
There have been acute shortage of text books in schools, the facility to the teachers are not upto the mark, several schools in state are lacing behind facility of toilets for both boys and girls, condition of schools in many places are in pathetic. The important point is the accommodation for the teachers are not available in all place where the teachers have to accommodate with the local resident and have to face lots of inconveniences. Many places there are lack of rented accommodation in rural area and the teaching community have to face untold suffering.
Since 1998 there have been appointment of countless AT/ATA/ATB and others but the seniority list have not been maintained properly and the promotion is dues for many. Some of the teaching community of have been appointed as Block Education Officer (BEO) and so far 121 BEO have been appointed out of which 32 only have been regularised so far.
There are 105 Lab Technician, 13 craft teachers, 4007 AT(A), 145 AT(B), 43 AT(C) and more than 3000 JTs in the state serving with outmost devotion and dedication in all parts of state.
We also need promotion but due to lack of recruitment Rule (RR) the promotion opportunity are not reaching whereas it have been observed that the system by which promotion are being made by the department is not clear to anyone and we are suffering. He added.
There have been specific instruction and direction from the Supreme Court of India with regards to the implementation of RTE ACT but still not implemented and hope that the state government is our parents and appeal for consideration of their genuine demands. Itanagar Permanent Bench of Guwahati High Court have also issue direction with regards to the payments of arrears which is yet to be implemented and what to say about other amenities. He alamented.
The department of School Education was bifurcated into two separate directorate into School Education and Elementary Education and post for Director, Finance & Account Officer and BEO was created but till today there is no Deputy Director like other (DDSE) directorate and face difficulty in implementation of schemes, policy and programme of Elementary education as in case may be the official of the School Education who also head the Elementary Education get busy in their work and less bother for others. He added.
The other demand which include appointment of full time Headmaster Group-B Gazetted, preparation of seniority list of JT/AT(A)/AT(B)/AT(C) Craft teacher etc, appointment of subject teachers as per supreme court of India order.
The APETA further said that we have been watching and waiting that the state government may take care of us and our genuine grievance and problems but no authentic solution have been meet so far. Even we have submitted several memorandum on several occasion and state government need to fulfil our genuine demand as we are also serving the society and we are a part of builders of human resource in the state.