Itanagar: National press day to be celebrated in state capital

The national press day (NPD) to be celebrated in befitting manner every year, but this year it will be held in state capital.
Various issues related to the celebration of the event in grand way discussed in a meeting held at Arunachal Press club here on Saturday under the chairmanship of Arunachal Press Club (APC) President Chopa Cheda .
The general meeting called by the NPD-2018 chairman Taba Ajum, the following matters were discussed and a few decisions were taken for smooth functioning of NPD-2018. The meeting was attended by APC President Chopa Cheda, AEMA President Mukul Pathak and other media persons.
As the Bogibil bridge will not open before Nov 15, the members present decided to change the venue from Namsai to Itanagar for this year NPD celebration. APC president Chopa Cheda apologised to the people of Namsai for this inconvenience and said that next NPD in 2019 will be celebrated in Namsai.
Cheda said that the most attractive NPD debate competition will be held in two phase this year. Subsequently there will be two zones, i.e. Eastern & Western Arunachal and the winners and runners up team will participate in the main event on 16th November from each zone. For the eastern zone, the debate competition will be held either in Namsai or Pasighat and for the western zone it will be conducted in Itanagar. It is also decided that this year all the colleges and higher educational institutes of the state will be invited to participate in the debate competition and logistic to the participants will be provided by NPD celebration committee.
It is also decided that NPD Chairman Taba Ajum will coordinate with APUWJ for the status of V Ravindran Media excellence award for this year which is a part of the NPD celebration.
Like the previous year’s, this year also NPD celebration committee decided to confer the `Unsung Heroes’ award to a prominent person/persons/group and urged the esteemed members of media fraternity to give suggestions to NPD committee chairman for final consideration in the next meeting.
In the meeting it is also suggested by the members to conduct the NPD-2018 in collaboration with IPR Department and will stick to it and PC/AEMA/APUWJ will be host like previous years.
It is expected that Chief Minister will be invited as chief guest and IPR minister as the guest of honour and others.
He said that for smooth conduct of the event a committee also constituted giving various duties and responsibilities were assigned to media persons.