
Arunachal- Opium addiction is half death and addiction is next to extinction- Lupalum Kri

TEZU:  Opium has affected physically, mentally and financially in Anjaw & Lohit and other part of Eastern districts. The menace has been rising alarmingly, to curb this dreaded disease a 10 bedded Drug De – Addiction Centre run at Zonal Hospital Tezu has been striving hard to de – addict multiple addiction since 2017 June.

After visiting the rehab centre recently, Lupalum Kri retired Chief Engineer PHED cum Opium Management Chairman Lohit & Anjaw advised the inmates and says  “Opium addiction is half death and addiction is next to extinction”, he urged the inmates to wake up from deep slumber and join the common platform.

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“We should openly discuss, share opinion above party politics to solve the issues permanently. Though initially we faced stiff resistance but over the years, we received positive sign”, I took the pledge to eradicate addiction within the age group of 30 year by 2030.

“My deep concern over opium addition in the society prompted me to spearhead the campaign to bring mass awareness to educate people against illegal cultivation and sell”, he said. He also donated Rs 25,000/ as assistance for medicine.

“Rehab was set up to de – addict all kind of addiction, since then 401 person underwent treatment to quit addiction. We are working under all odds to fulfill our duty. We have psychologist, Counselor, Nurses and invite resource person time to time to deliver positive message to motivate the addicts”, says Dr S Towang, SMO and special caretaker of the rehab who is a trained professional.

Over 8 (eight) inmates from Anjaw, Lohit and Namsai district are presently undergoing in the rehab and phase wise another batch are taken up to continue the mission.

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