
NFR Women Team Wins 64th All India TT Championship


NF Railway women’s team brings pride today on 7th July, 2016 in the concluding day of 64th All India Railway Table Tennis Championship by defeating South Eastern Railway in the final held at N. F. RaiIway Indoor Stadium, Maligaon.

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In the Men’s final Southern Railway clinches the team championship by defeating South Eastern Railway in final held at same venue today.

In the individual events Shri E. Prabhakaran of Southern Railway and Ms. Sagarika Mukherjee of N. F. Railway won the Men’s and the Women’s Singles titles respectively. At the finals held in  the N. F. Railway Sports Association Indoor Stadium at Maligaon, E. Prabhakaran of Southern Railway beat G. Vinod of the same Railway 4-1 set to clinch Men’s title while Sagarika Mukherjee, of N. F. Railway beat teammate Sukanya Bose 4-3 set for the Women’s titles.

Shri H.K. Jaggi, General Manager, N. F. Railway was the Chief Guest  for the closing ceremony and gave away the prizes to the winners.


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