
Pul meet with Accident Victims at Ramakrishna Mission Hospital


Chief Minister Kalikho Pul meet the accident victims at Ramakrishna Mission Hospital, Itanagar today. In an unfortunate accident, Police vehicle hits 5 persons including women and children on June 11 last at Koloriang.

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Chief Minister meets the injured persons who were admitted in R K Mission Hospital namely Bengia Yaku (female), 72 years, Lokam Roji (female) 7 years and Nangram takum, 7 years (male). They suffered multiple injuries on their bodies.

He assured that the appropriate actions will be taken against the guilty as per the law and asked them to write to him about the details incident immediately. He appealed them not to come under the pressure of any other third persons, NGOs or Organizations and requested them not to let the issue politicize as accidents may happen with anybody at anytime.

    Pul meet with Accident Victims at Ramakrishna Mission Hospital    Pul meet with Accident Victims at Ramakrishna Mission Hospital

    Pul meet with Accident Victims at Ramakrishna Mission Hospital    Pul-meet-accident-vicitms--

He assured them that all expenses for their treatment will be borne by the govt and also said that the govt is ready to arrange for evacuation through helicopter if the case is refer to any outside hospital for further treatment.

He announced to provide Rs 1 lakh each to the injured persons in the accident and also provided financial assistance from his own source.

He also told the doctor to immediately inform him if there is need of any of the injured persons for outside treatment.

The doctors informed that the patients are under observation and at present the conditions are stable.

He also met several serious patients suffering from various ailments like Chronic Kidney Disease, Paralyses, Bone Fracture, Memory Loss, etc. He said to extend financial assistance from the govt to Gokia Kam, 26 years Paralytic boy from Ziro who is suffering from post operative Traumatic Pareplysis CF6 Fracture after spinal cord breakdown who hails from a very poor family. He also said to bear medical expenses of one Doyum Yaja, 19 years old girl who is suffering from main bone fracture and infection of left leg after she was hit by a private vehicle as she needed to be shifted to NEIGRIHMS, Shillong for further treatment.

He told the doctor to send their referral letter to his office immediately and assured their evacuation to the referred hospitals. He also visited the male, female wards and pay cabins were the serious patients are admitted.



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