Capital police recovered one pistol, seized huge quantity of housie materials during Vehicle cheking drive at different locations of Twin Capital city on Friday.
Continuing with the Vehicle checking drive, Capital Administration along with the Police today conducted checking at verious locations at Itanagar, Naharlagun, Nirjuli Banderdewa.
Dekio Gumja, SDPO Capital and his party was entrusted to target vehicles used by high class people like Fortuners, Endeavours, Scorpios and tinted glasses were removed from 35 such vehicles. During such checking, 1 no .32 pistol with 10 live rounds was recovered from one person and matter is under enquiry till filling of this report.
Chakfa Wangsu, District Transport Officer along with Tania Soni, Motor Vehicle Inspector (MVI) and Traffic police led by Inspector G Ete carried out the drive.
The DTO informed that a total of 36 nos of vehicle were penalised and 2 vehicles were seized which could not produce the necessary documents.
He further informed that tinted glass were also removed from more than 350 vehicles.
OC Itanagar PS and party fined Rs 3,100/ from 12 violators. OC Naharlagun PS and party seized 56 bottles of hard drink and 38 bottles of beer from A Sector Naharlagun.
OC Nirjuli PS and party fined Rs 3200 from 14 violators. OC Banderdewa PS and parry fined Rs 2500 from 7 violators.
The above parties also seized various items/materials of housie at Itanagar, Naharlagun and Nirjuli