Itanagar: Is traffic rule only for common public and commuters ?
A vehicle belongs to BRO violating traffic rules and traffic warden is helpless...

Is traffic rule only for common public and commuters. The local people of Itanagar capital complex wanted to know from the law enforcing agency of state.
Hypocrisy is on full display as those tasked with making sure everyone follows Traffic rules are the ones violating it in this picture. This picture speaks volumes about the condition of road safety in the capital complex as a Traffic police officer is seen standing helpless as government vehicle drives on the wrong side of the lane. This comes in spite of the recently concluded “Road Safety Week” in the capital complex.
The commuters allege that several top ranking officers who by protocol are provided escorts are moving along with a pilot vehicle and blowing siren in the public, creating nuisance among the commuters, which also turns into a headache for the traffic authorities sometimes
A senior government officer who didn’t wish to be named told that there are strict protocols for providing escorts to top ranking officers for their safety and security but some of them use the escort vehicle with security personnel as a pilot and create problem in the road for the general public and commuters as well.
It has also been seen that on some occasion, vehicles escorting the VIP and other top ranking officers are not obeying any traffic rules and appear to have no fear of the law, using flimsy excuses being in emergency to break traffic.
While the state has recently celebrated road safety week, such violation was still seen today when a rally on NH-415 was in progress from Tennis court toward Rajbhawan. A top ranking central government officer of Border Road Organisation (BRO) with pilot and escort deliberately violated all traffic rules in front of capital police officers as they were let go without any action.
The commuters and locals demanded action or explanation from the authority in the this regard as to why the person concerned has not been penalised…..?