
Itanagar: Debating and Moot Court Society-cum-Debating Competition held at Himalayan University

Altogether seven teams consisting of three students each participated in the Debating Competition.

ITANATGAR-  The Debating and Moot Court Society-cum-Debating Competition of the Department of Law, Himalayan University, Itanagar was inaugurated on Saturday, 8th April, 2023 at its University Auditorium by Dr. Deb Debaprasad, Dean Research, Himalayan University, Itanagar who presided the programme as the Chief Guest. To mark the inauguration of the Society, a Debating Competition on the “Role of Youths in Eradication of Drugs” was also organized.

Delivering his inaugural speech, Dr. Deb congratulated the students of the Department for actively participating in such competitions that goes on to build and equip students with advocacy and lawyering skills.

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Odi Menjo, LL.M. IVth Semester Student, gave the Welcome Speech to all dignitaries, jury members, faculty members and students gathered for the programme.

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Dr. L. Malem Mangal, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Law while giving his Keynote Speech stressed on the need to take the study of law as a profession seriously. He observed that knowledge that are received within the four-walls of the class rooms are incomplete without practical exposures such as Debating, Moot Court, Essay Writing, Slogan, Painting competitions, Court and Jail Visits, Legal Awareness Programmes, Para-Legal Activities, etc.

Explaining the objectives of establishing the Debating and Moot Court Society of the Department of Law, Himalayan University, Itanagar, he highlighted “this society will give a platform for all the law students to expose themselves to various socio-legal issues which constitutes an important component of legal profession and such active involvement of students will help them build confidence in advocacy skills, public speaking, argumentation skills”.

He appealed the students to capitalize the various activities and programmes adopted in the Calendar of Academic Programmes and Activities of the Department to get maximum benefits for their own overall development of personality. He continued that drug abuse has become a serious problem for the entire North-east region in general and Arunachal Pradesh in particular and called upon the law students to spread awareness about the adverse effects of this menace in the society.

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Compere of the Programme, Ms. Charu Yari, LL.M. IVth Semester Student announced the teams for Debating Competition.

Jury Members namely Mr. Godak Bikash, Asst. Professor spoke on rising drug abuses related cases and the means to combat them and Mrs. Patey Kenter Kena, Asst. Professor, Department of Law announced the rules of the Debating Competition.

Altogether seven teams consisting of three students each participated in the Debating Competition.

Team E comprising of Taye Phassang, Neriyu Linngi and Lobsang Khiliju, secured 1st Position, Team C comprising of Jotham Paffa, Mamu Yongam and Yadam Mosi secured 2nd Position, and Teams D and F comprising of Joram Yami, Ajay Jamoh and Kebrin Jokhio and Toku Rupchi, Gichik Kaku and Took Mekum shared the 3rd Position respectively.

Mr. Lobsang Khiliju was declared the best Male Debater while Ms. Yadam Mosi and Ms. Joram Yami were adjusted as the Best Female Debaters of the competition.

Mr. Godak Bikash, Asst. Professor, Department of Law gave his observations as a Jury member to all the debaters while Mrs. Patey Kenter Kena, Asst. Professor, Department of Law announced the team winners. The prizes and certificates of the competition will be distributed on a notified day later, announced Dr. L. Malem Mangal, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Law while congratulating and appreciating all the participants. Ms. Ripe Bagra, Asst. Professor, Department of Law, Faculty, i/c encouraged the students to perfrom better in future competitions.

Ms. Reshmi Bam, IVth Semester Student proposed the Vote of Thanks and extended her warm gratitude and words of thankfulness to all the dignitaries, jury members, faculty members and students whose presence made the programme successful.

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