
Chief Minister Kalikho Pul has Narrow Escape in Kolkata


Arunachal Chief Minister Kalikho Pul had a narrow escape on Wednesday at Kolkata when a loaded truck rammed into his carcade. While the car in which the Chief Minister was travelling was partially grazed from the rear, he did not sustain any injuries. The incident happened when Pul was on way to Kolkata airport after attending the meeting of the Empowered Committee of Finance Ministers.


Chief Minister Kalikho Pul has Narrow Escape in Kolkata

The impact of the truck was mostly on the escort Ambassador car WB 02A A3736 of the Special Branch (Protection), whose driver Sukanto Shil sustained minor injuries. It was the buffer of the escort car that shielded the CM’s vehicle from being fully hit by the speeding truck.

Expressing his concern for the injured driver, Pul requested for him to be given the best of treatment. He thanked the Kolkata Police for the prompt action in managing the crisis and asked that a full enquiry be made into the incident.

Sukanto was later treated for injury to his head and arm and released from the Police Hospital.



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