
Bhopal: Book on Nyishi folktales titled ‘Uiimok’ was released at Tribal Literature Festival

This book of Jamuna Bini is an unique addition not only in the context of Arunachal or North East but also in the larger context of Hindi literature.


A book on Nyishi folktales titled ‘Uiimok’ written by Dr. Jamuna Bini was released at Tribal Literature Festival, Bhopal on 10th November by Prominent Naga writer Easterine Kire, Adivasi Thinker Hari Ram Meena, Y. D. Thongchi and Director IGRMS Prof. Sarit Chaudhury.


This book of Jamuna Bini is an unique addition not only in the context of Arunachal or North East but also in the larger context of Hindi literature. This illustrative book will be a readers delight and a significant departure from the existing folklore literature in the context of North East.

Publication of such an illustrative book in Hindi with special reference to Nyishi tribe of Arunachal is a maiden initiative. This book will inspire many more writers from North East to take forward the cause of Tribal literature and reach it to wider readers of mainland India who will be able to know the potentialities of India’s North East in terms of both creativity and excellence.

The author of the book Dr. Jamuna Bini is faculty at Hindi Dept. RGU and she is also a prominent writer from North East in the field of Hindi literature. Jene Hai is the illustrator of book. His illustrations articulated the essence of every folktales.


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