
Arunachal: Tawang DC visits Jhamtse Gatsal School at Lumla

Director Jhamtse Gatsal Lobsang Phuntso showed the Water treatment plant, Hostel accommodation of the children, mud house and Plastic re-cycle Plant in school campus.

LUMLA- Deputy Commissioner, Tawang Kesang Ngurup Damo accompanied by Adl. DC Lumla Tashi Dhondup, Commandant SSB Lumla Raj Kumar, Circle Officer  Nawang Thutan other Officers from Army, Para-Military forces and officers fromLumla Sub Division Administration visited Jhamtse Gatsal School, Lumla.

Here at Jhamtse Gatsal the Director  Lobsang Phuntsok, other faculty members and Children gave warm reception to DC Tawang  Kesang Ngurup Damo on his maiden visit to the institution after assuming charges of DC Tawang.

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Director Jhamtse Gatsal  Lobsang Phuntso showed the Water treatment plant, Hostel accommodation of the children, mud house and Plastic re-cycle Plant in school campus.

He informed the visiting officers that the Grey and black water from kitchen, bathroom and toilet are used for kitchen garden and flowers after treatment, the Children and faculty members are given training on Plastic segregation its re-use and re-cycle through their mini plant. The finished products of recycled plastic were also shown.

Later interacting with the Children DC Tawang congratulated them for being part of the institute, and expressed his expectation from them for being future good citizens of the country. He assured his Cooperation and support for the institution and said Shall keep on visiting and interacting with children in days to come.

Adl. DC Lumla and Director Jhamtse Gatsal expressed their gratitude to DC and other officers from Army and Para military forces for visiting the institute and showering blessings to the children.

Later DC accompanied by BDO Lumla. Tsering Wangdi and other technical Officers from Rural Development dept Lumla visited the site and beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Grameen (PMAY) and MGNREGA at Old Lumla Village, Soleng, Kharsot ,and Mangnam.

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