Mr Pema Jungney and Mr Kunga Sotop, Members Parliament Government of Tibet in Exile along with Mr Yangdup Tibetan Settlement officer Tenzigaon called on Er T.N Thongdok, Speaker , Arunachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly on Tuesday in his office chamber.
On behalf of Tibetan Government in Exile the MP’s expressed their gratefulness to the Government of India for supporting Tibetan people in Exile in India and also sought Indian Government’s support particularly from Government of Arunachal Pradesh with whom Tibet had always been in good relation.
They also invited speaker and the members of legislative Assembly Govt of Arunachal Pradesh to Tibetan Parliament at Dharamsala during their Budget session in the month of March.
The speaker assured support of the Arunachal Government specially to the Tibetan settlement area Tenzin gaon which is in speaker’s constituency.
He also suggested for fruitful utilization of infrastructure created for Gyuto Tantric University at Tenzin gaon since the institution has been shifted to Dharamsala.
He further suggested if a branch of the university could be started in Tenzin gaon so that people from Arunachal Pradesh specially the followers of Buddhism can avail benefit of Buddhist education.
He further suggested if certain schemes could be introduced for a sustained income of the Tibetan people at Tenzin gaon.