
Arunachal: Khandu expresses concern over degrading quality in education and fast spreading drug addiction

ITANAGAR-   Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu today raised two major concerns of the state – degrading quality in education and fast spreading drug addiction – and called upon women of the society to contribute their bit to deal with both, on International Women’s Day (IWD).

Attending the IWD celebrations here this morning, Khandu said youths were the future of the state and the country but lack of quality education and drug menace have become a major hurdle in giving them a future.


“None will be more concerned than the womenfolk of the society,” he pointed.

He said not everything should be left to the government to solve, but each member of the society, especially women, should come forward voluntarily and help eradicating the problems.

While expressing concern over the increase in number of schools but degradation of quality education, the Chief Minister said his government is committed to revive the system.

“In this budget we have kept Rs 1000 crore to revive our education system and have declared 2021 as ‘Year of Education’,” he informed.

Hailing the New Education Policy of the central government, Khandu disclosed that the policy must be implemented in toto by 2030 across the country.

“We have already constituted the State Task Force for its implementation. Once this is implemented education scenario will change for the good. But without the support and cooperation of the people, government alone cannot make it a success story,” he pointed.

He called for active support of women organizations, gaon buras and particularly the School Management Committees of the villages, which he asserted, can change the outlook of the school if determined.

On rising drug menace too, the Chief Minister said government cannot curb it without the support of the society.

“On our part, we have established 6 deaddiction centers. This year 2 more rehabilitation centers are coming up. But these centers are not the solution. Creating awareness amongst youths and vulnerable groups is most important and this can be effectively done by women organizations,” he said.

He suggested the State Commission for Women, State Legal Services Authority and the Arunachal Pradesh Women’s Welfare Society to raise the topic in all their events and workshops and ask their district units to create awareness at the village levels. He also advised them to keep a check on functioning of the deaddiction and rehabilitation centers and report the same to the government with recommendations if any.

Responding to a submission made by the Arunachal Pradesh State Commission for Women (APSCW), the Chief Minister endorsed all the points that included appointment of Child Protection Officer, compulsory marriage registration, fast track and family courts, job reservation, political reservation, ban on polygamy, right to property, etc.

“All the points raised are genuine. We will bring these issues for discussion in the next Assembly session,” he assured.

Speaking about political reservation for women, Khandu while informing that the recent panchayat elections were held with 33% reservation for women, he took the example of Tawang district where 53% of seats were bagged by women.

“I believe, once the society acknowledges the role of women in politics, they will prefer women candidates to men. One the society realizes that women can contribute better than their male counterparts, there won’t be any need of reservation,” he observed.

He called upon the Gaon Buras, who were present in large numbers, to empower women in the villages and give them opportunities to serve in various capacities including in politics.

Admitting that women have shown exemplary grit, honesty and sincerity when given responsibilities, Khandu urged women entrepreneurs to take advantage of the state government’s flagship scheme Deendayal Upadhyay Swawlamban Yojana that offers 40% front ended capital subsidy to selected proposals.

“For women entrepreneurs, we have kept additional subsidy of 5% as an encouragement. We have faith that women once they take up a project, will make it successful,” he said.

The Chief Minister also announced that from next year, a budget provision will be kept with the Department of Women and Child Development for grand celebration of the International Women’s Day.


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