
Arunachal: Coordination meeting proposes shifting of Ziro FCI godown

The godown which caters to PDS needs of the four Districts of Lower Subansiri, Kamle, Kra-Dadi and Kurung Kumey was not located at an ideal place meant for an FCI godown.

ZIRO-  The Food Corporation of India ( FCI ) godown located at Dilopolyang at the outskirts of Hapoli township was mooted to be shifted to a better and more convenient place for benefit of PDS distributors and public at large.

During the coordination meeting held today at DC’s office chamber in view of the maiden official tour to Ziro by Arunachal Pradesh Food Commission chairman Dr.Leki Wangchuk, members present including the Lower Subansiri Deputy Commissioner, Deputy Director (ICDS), Deputy Director of School Education, District Food and Civil Supply Officer and The Ziro-I Child Development Project, it was pointed out that the FCI godown located 7 kms away from the main town could be shifted to a better and more suitable location for benefit of all the stakeholders.

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The godown which caters to PDS needs of the four Districts of Lower Subansiri, Kamle, Kra-Dadi and Kurung Kumey was not located at an ideal place meant for an FCI godown. Further, heavy laden trucks with more than 10 tons were damaging the narrow PMGSY roads capable of resisting loads upto 8 to 10 tons as a result of which there were lot of resentments by the local people.

Arunachal: Coordination meeting proposes shifting of Ziro FCI godown
FCI godown at Dilopolyang

Meanwhile, Lower Subansiri Deputy Commissioner Bamin Nime suggested that the said godown could be put into fruitful use by many other departments housed at Manipolyang and Dilopolyang areas. The shifting of the important FCI godown from Dilopolyang would be an example of best case of re-location of a public asset in the prudent interest of all stakeholders, he added.

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Earlier, AP Food Commission chairman Dr. Dr.Leki Wangchuk presented an overall view of the importance of PDS food items for a hilly state like Arunachal Pradesh and the essential components required in smooth running of the Anganwadi centres and Mid-Day Meal schemes at the schools.

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