Arunachal: APSBSAP district level consultations held at Anini
These are a part of a series of district level consultations which kick started at Ziro, Lower Subansiri district on 10 March 2023.

ANINI- Another round of District level consultations for preparing the Arunachal Pradesh State Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan were held at Anini (Dibang Valley district), Roing (Lower Dibang Valley district), Pangin (Siang district) and Yingkiong (Upper Siang district) between May 1st to 6th 2023.
These are a part of a series of district level consultations which kick started at Ziro, Lower Subansiri district on 10 March 2023.
The consultations organized by Arunachal Pradesh State Biodiversity Board and WWF-India was led by Ms. Vishaish Uppal, Director, Governance, Law, and Policy, Mr Kamal Medhi Coordinator, Western Arunachal Landscape and Dr. Anupam Sarmah, Team Leader, Brahmaputra & Western Arunachal Landscapes, WWF-India along with Mr Ngilyang Tangu from APSBB.
Also Read- APSBSAP district level consultation held at Itanagar
Diverse stakeholders like Zilla Parishad Members, Gram Panchayat Members, Gaon Bura, officers of the line departments, Forest Department staff, members of Women’s groups, Youth group members, Tribal and Cultural societies as well as NGOs participated in the consultations and provided their valuable inputs. Written representations were also provided to APSBB in the meetings.
The workshop also provided a platform where people raised their concerns about select proposed government initiatives and highlighted the need for addressing the same.
They also stressed upon the need for carrying out extensive research and documentation of biodiversity in remote areas, conserving nature and promoting sustainable use, compiling traditional knowledge and customs, augmenting nature based livelihoods, supporting local initiatives and protecting the catchment areas.