
Arunachal: Adis of Lotong Banggo celebrates Solung festival

PASIGHAT-  The  Solung Festival of Adi community which is being celebrated all across the state inhabited by the Adi tribes during 1st-15th September, was also celebrated with great pomp and show at Jaipur village of Namsai district today which was attended Chowna Mein,  Dy. Chief Minister as Chief Guest and Tesam Pongte, Dy. Speaker of Arunachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly as Guest of Honour.

The solung festival celebration of Jaipur, Namsai organized by Lotong Banggo General Solung Festival Celebration Committee-2022 was also attended by MLAs like Smti Gum Tayeng-Dambuk, Zingnu Namchoom-Namsai, Mutchu Mithi-Roing, Karikho Kri-Tezu and Jummum Ete Deori-Lekang and others like DC, SP, ZPC Namsai, ABK Secretary General, Bogum Bokang president and other CBO representatives of the area attended.


Also Read- Chowna Mein attends Solung Festival at Itanagar

Speaking on the sideline of Solung festival, DCM Chowna Mein said that tradition and culture are our identity and we must preserve it by maintaining brotherhood among other tribes and communities. He appreciated the initiative of Lotong Banggo General Solung festival celebration committee 2022 of Namsai district advised the Adis of Lotong/Namsai to maintain their tradition and culture.

Mein also spoke about the rapid development taking place under Namsai district and he made a special mention of tourism development not only in Namsai, but also in the entire region of Lower and Upper Dibang Valley, Tezu, Changlang etc as tourists places like Parsuram Khund, Bismak Nagar, Mayodhya, Dong (first sun rise) etc here located here only.

Mein said Arunachal Pradesh is a land of festivals; our cultures are as diverse as our biodiversity. “In my budget speech too, I have said that ‘our culture is our pride,” said Mein and added that we must be proud of our cultures and adhere to our roots, that is our culture & traditions while accepting modernity. He called upon all to shoulder responsibility to protect, preserve and promote the indigenous culture, traditions and heritage.

Also Read-  Arunachal Pradesh is a land of festivals; Chowna Mein

Arunachal: Adis of Lotong Banggo celebrates Solung festival

Mein said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his Independence Day speech has mentioned India as an aspirational society where changes are being powered by a collective spirit. Mein said the way the world is viewing India is changing and this has been possible only because of the strong leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The world today looks at India with pride, hope and as a problem solver. The world looks at India as a destination where aspirations are met, added Mein.

Mein said the Prime Minister has listed 5 pledges for developing India by 2047. He said to fulfill the vision of the Prime Minister, the youth should dedicate the next 25 years of their lives for the nation’s development; and also we should come together to work towards the development of the entire humanity. He also highlighted the five pledges of Prime Minister for 2047 which are -having developed India, removing any sign of servility, pride in heritage, unity and fulfilling our duties.

“Let’s make efforts for ek Arunachal, and Sheresth Arunachal,” said Mein and urged upon the CBOs, youths and students based organizations to join hands for all round development of state. Among others, Deputy Speaker Tesam Pongte, MLAs Gum Tayeng, Mutchu Mithi, Jummum Ete Deori and Chau Zingnu Namchoom also spoke on the occasion.

Others like Pongte, Mithi, Namchoom, Tayeng, Deori also spoke on the occasion and all batted for preservation of tradition and culture. Solung festival was successfully celebrated at Namsai in such a grand manner for the first time under the leadership of Shanti Paleng and Birku Dai, the Organizing Chairman and Organizing Secretary respectively.


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