Arunachal: ADC Mebo flags off 3 vehicles for 3 SHGs funded under ArSRLM

PASIGHAT( By Maksam Tayeng )- In a formal ceremonial programme held at Inspection Bunglow, Mebo, the Sub-Divisional HQ of Mebo Sub-Division, Addl. Dy. Commissioner, Mebo, Einstein Koyu flagged off 3 vehicles for three performing Self Help Groups of Mebo Block funded by Arunachal State Rural Livelihood Mission Mebo Block under Aajeevika Grameen Express Yojana (AGEY).
The three recipient SHGs are Ane of Mumtaj Colony, Irsi Artong and Nola Bari of Mebo Block. While flagging off the vehicles, Einstein Koyu highlighted the importance of the commercial vehicles funded by ArSRLM and how to operate the vehicles for business purposes. Koyu also motivated the SHG women folks to generate sufficient income from the government funded vehicles by helping the community in public transport services. On his part, Osu Borang, ZPM Mebo Banggo-I while gracing the programme as Guest of honour also advised the women folks to make good use of the vehicles provided under ArSRLM.
Dr. Tallom Pertin, SMO CHC Mebo, senior public leaders Gekong Pertin, Nakmin Perme, Ojing Perme and Talung Borang also attended in the ceremonial programme to motivate and advise the SHG women to earn their livelihood which is the basic objective and purpose of the scheme.
While Togeng Pertin, Block Mission Manager, Arunachal State Rural Livelihoods Mission briefed the SHG women folks about the objective of Aajeevika Grameen Express Yojana and its implementing process, road map of the business and monitoring with evaluation system of AGEY by ArSRLM. The members of three SHGs expressed their thankfulness to the government for the support extended to them and they assured for proper use of the vehicles to generate livelihood serving the community in the public transport system, informed Rosina Perme Borang from one of the SHG.
It is worth mentioning here that, the Government of India is providing an alternative source of livelihoods to members of SHGs under Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) by facilitating them to operate public transport services or related services in backward rural on pilot basis, as identified through a consultative process by the State Missions like ArSRLM.
The basic objective of the scheme is to provide safe, affordable and community monitored rural transport services to connect remote villages with key services and amenities (including access to markets, education and health) for the overall economic development of the area by making use of the supports available within the framework of DAY-NRLM.