Arunachal- 10 Day Budget Session Begins

The 10-day Budget session of the Sixth Legislative Assembly of Arunachal Pradesh begins from Monday with the Address of the Governor of P.B. Acharya, in the Legislative Assembly, Naharlagun on 6th March 2017.
The Governor outlined the policies and the programmes of the State Government. He said that the priority of the Government will be on ushering in long term governance reforms, to develop Arunachal Pradesh as the Organic Hub and Fruit bowl of India, to position Arunachal Pradesh as the centre for wellness, Spiritual and Adventure Tourism, to create policies and institutions which encourage entrepreneurship, Employment generation and Skill Development, Quality access to all for basic social services of health and education, planned investment in Infrastructure like road, air and rail connectivity, power and water supply, reinvigorate stalled hydro power projects, which hold the biggest economic resource for the state, higher education in conventional degree courses (BA, B.Sc. B.Com) will have added with skill knowledge, in the final year to make our graduates employable or entrepreneurs and to encourage cashless transactions to curtail corruption.
The Governor said that the soul of Arunachal lies in the villages and it is the tribal villager who is the living embodiment of age-old tradition and also harbinger of hope for the future. It is crucial that our villages must be provided with infrastructure facilities, which make rural life vibrant. My government will be taking concrete measures for rural transformations through planned investments in rural infrastructure and also by empowering the three-tiered local bodies of self-governance, he further said.
The Governor exhorting the members of the august house said that they have a great responsibility in preserving the unique tribal traditions, which have been a way of life. The government will be taking measures which will preserve and document oral cultural traditions and customary laws of each tribe, which have been passed on from generation to generation.
The Governor urged all the members to show the right path, lead by example and be an inspiration for thousands of youth of this state. The nation has a lot of expectations from this government led by a young and modern Chief Minister. The youth of the State have huge expectations from the members of this House and from the government. Politics must be fought on the electoral battleground, but must never be allowed to come in the path of development and progress.
Reminding the members, the goal of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Sabka Saath, SabkaVikas’, the Governor said that each one of them must play a constructive role in taking the State forward by shunning narrow and selfish motives and rise to the occasion to propel the State to greater heights following the mantra of ‘Arunachal Rising’ and ‘Team Arunachal’ which are a purveyor of hope and bonding.