AISU demands deportation of Chakma, Hajong, and Tibetan refugees

Arunachal Indigenous Students Union (AISU) organised a peaceful rally from Ganga market to IG Park on Friday demanding immediate deportation of all the Chakma – Hajong, and Tibetan refugees from the state of Arunachal Pradesh.
AISU demanded the state government and home department in specific, to continue strict Inner Line Permit (ILP) checking at all the check gates bordering the state. The influx of refugees and illegal immigrant workers is high on numbers and many have been settled in the state for many decades, the union stated.
AISU also added that, besides the demand of the deportation of the refugees, the union also demands immediate installation of biometric attendance system in the entire government schools in state, renaming of Rajiv Gandhi University (RGU) to Arunachal University and Indra Gandhi Park to Abo Tani Park.
Shifting of all the government and private schools away from the National Highway, blanket ban on the selling of Alcohol, monthly release of stipend to the students of Post metric and metric students and inclusion of Arunachal History subject for the students from Class III to Class IX were the other demands included by the union,