Itanagar: National Mathematics Day-2019 observed
Mathematics is subject which increases the analytical power of mind and lays the foundation of future success.
National Mathematics Day-2019, organised at Arunachal Pradesh science Centre, Itanagar to mark the birth anniversary of Indian Genius S. Ramanujan was observed in befitting manner with day long programme.
Addressing the inaugural session C.D. Mungyak, Director cum Member Secretary, A.P. State Council for Science & Technology elaborate the importance of mathematics in day to day life and urges the teachers and students to study mathematics as a fun. Mathematics is subject which increases the analytical power of mind and lays the foundation of future success.
He urge upon the students to remain sincere and dedicate their full time in education and curricular activities to become a good citizen and serve the society and for themselves and family members.
During his address CD Mungyak also announces about the organising of State level Innovation Festival 2020 during 25 to 26 January 2020. The main aim behind it is to provide common platform to all innovators, Grass Roots innovators and entrepreneurs to show case their innovation and exchange their ideas from the state. The festival will be open to all age group.
Dr. K.K. Rai, HoD (Mathematics) DN Govt. College, Arun Joram, HOD, (Mathematics), Rajiv Gandhi Govt. Polytechnic College, Itanagar, were the resource person. Both resource person highlighted the life history of S. Ramanujan and his contribution. The useful of mathematics was also discussed during the interactive session.
More than 200 students along with teachers from various schools of capital complex, officers and officials of APSCS&T among other were present on the occasion.
The programme was organised by A.P. State Council for Science & Technology, Department of Science & Technology. The programme was catalyzed & supported by National Council of Science & Technology (NCSTC), Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India (GOIU), New Delhi and Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh,
In written quiz competition held on December 15 wherein 155 students from 15 schools of capital complex take parts which include Agnik Mandal and Abhishek Singh of Class-X of VKV Vivek Vihar remain at 1st and 2nd position while Hroodra Pratap Singh of VKV Nirjuli remained at 3rd position.
In Poster competition Techi Nossu of Donyi Polo Vidya Bhawan, Kritikka Barman of VKV Vivek Vihar and Hashi Piya of VKV, Nirjuli remain at first, second and third position respectively.
The prizes (Mementos and Certificate) were distributed to the winners of the competition by the dignitaries..