
More check gate would be constructed to check illegal mining – Bidol Tayeng

Bidol Tayeng said that more checkup and check gate would be constructed to check the illegal mining and illegal transportation of raw materials.


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Secretary Geology & Mining Bidol Tayeng appeal the officers of to be sincere toward their works assigned and dedicate the work in the greater interest of the development of state with motto to earn more revenue for state exchequers.

Tayeng was addressing the coordination meeting of the Department of Geology & Mining here at a city hotel today, he said that state have vast mineral resources and slowly we may be able to use the resources for the development of state if all officers put together their concentrated effort with sincerity and devotion. There are hurdles like forest clearance and illegal mining which we have to overcome and soon there would be meeting with forest officers and a mechanism would come up.

Addressing the media, Tayeng said that more checkup and check gate would be constructed to check the illegal mining and illegal transportation of raw materials. Department of Geology and Mining department is doing well and like previous year the department have earned huge revenue for state exchequers. The collection have increased, previously it was 48 crore and last year it goes up to 60 crore with an increase of 21 %. We have discussed the issue and constraints of the officers like providing of vehicle and other facilities and it may be considered on the improvement of collection of the revenue in future.

Other activities of mining was also discussed as the department is having bright future as the state is highest deposit of graphite in the country but the investment in the department is low. Since Chief Minister have retained the department and we will apprise him of the revenue generation of the department and constraints of the department and officers and hope it would be resolved. Tayeng added.

Director Geology & Mining Tasser Tallar also elaborated the ongoing activities of the department and urge upon the AMDOs and other officers to update themselves and submit the activities reports properly so that the revenue collection data is submitted to the government in timely.

All officers of various district presents elaborated their work progress in the coordination meeting.

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