
Paragliding school in London wants to explore Arunachal- Vijay Sonam

He also informed that Basar, Anini, Mechuka, Dambuk and Paya near Aalo were found to be feasible for carrying out Paragliding activity. 

Lumdung:  The Paragliding school in London wants to explore Arunachal once MHA lifts restriction on foreign tourist visit, informed Vijay Sonam, President of Paraglider Association of Arunachal Pradesh ( PAAP ) on Wednesday. He was talking to the media in a Paraglading event held at Lumdung village, East Kameng Dist. .

He also informed that Basar, Anini, Mechuka, Dambuk and Paya near Aalo were found to be feasible for carrying out Paragliding activity.  Adventure calender festival sponsored under Dept. of Tourism will include paragliding as one of the main sporting events to boost paragliding as one of the most promising adventure activities.

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He further sought help from Dept. of Tourism and DA Seppa to develop infrastructure in Lumdung for  upcoming International Paragliding events wherein 100 Paragliding pilots will participate and out of which 25 will be international paragliders. He also informed that

16 pilots from Paraglider Association of Arunachal Pradesh ( PAAP )were distributed Paragliding sets and other adventures  equipments by the Secretary Tourism, Govt. Of Arunachal Pradesh under CMPVY scheme in the event.

Secretary APTOA had also assured to include Lumdung as one of the main tourist destination in Itanagar- Pakke Kessang-Seppa Tourist Circuit to give boost to local community tourism in Lumdung. 

Concluding the event, Secretary Tourism had appreciated efforts of Paragliding Association of Arunachal Pradesh and apprised that Dept. Of Tourism will always support Paragliding association for developing arunachal as a adventure destination in India and encourage new pilots to take up Paragliding activity as one of the service provider in the tourism sector.

The Secretary Tourism further added that the Tourism Department is also reaching out to the local communities to make Arunachal Pradesh as a Paragliding paradise of the North East. The event concluded with pilots taking off and displaying their Paragliding skills. 

Around 38 pilots including 7 female pilots were trained by the Paragliding Association of Arunachal Pradesh. which is the highest numbers of female pilots in India. It is a great matter of pride that Ms. Alisha Khojuju was the only female pilot participated during the National Paragliding Championship held earlier in the Nov 2020 at Uttrakhand.

The event was also attended by Bengia Manna Sonam, Deputy Director Tourism, DD (Moyong Madam), ICDS, Kapil Natung, AE PWD, Taluk Sonam, DTO Seppa, Mamung Danyi TIO HQ, Vijay Sonam, President Paragliding Association of Arunachal Pradesh, Bengia Mrinal Secretary, Arunachal Pradesh Tour operator Association, Kush Thakur, Paragliding trainer from HP, Raju Rai,Trainer, Sikkim Paragliding Association and local communities. 

Meanwhile the event also mark concluding event of 25 days recce/survey for Paragliding sites all across the state.

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