Itanagar: Procession, Dharna by APPSC Prelims examination-2017 candidates

APPSC Prelims examination-2017 candidates carried out procession and dharna demanding conduct of re-examination.
Hundreds of APSCCE prelims-2017 candidates on Friday organized a procession which was followed by Sit on dharna at IG Park demanding for re-conduct of prelims exam-2017 considering many errors they claimed to have discovered in many optional subjects.
Interacting with the media , one of the aspirants of Geography, alleged that “uniformity” was not maintained while setting question papers and there was extreme lack of moderation and scaling in many optional subjects of this year prelims exam.
According to agitators, there are as many as 68 numbers of questions for geography were serial wise copied from UGC-NET JRF 2014 and in public administration found 75 questions from a single source that is public administration by Laxminath ,Tata Mcgraw Hill publication. And in history, 55 questions were copy paste from an unreliable website, and 22 questions of law from www.examrace .com.
The agitating students are of the view that there might be chances of leakages too as the questions were already in the public domain.
“The very purpose of state prestigious civil service commission wasn’t maintained. Have u ever heard of a commission which declares the result in phase wise manner? Why also commission is reluctant to furnish us the Answer Sheets to check cut off marks ratio and answer keys etc when we sought it through RTI? If such is the state of affairs at the commission that how can we consider that the test was a fair one, questioned another candidate of Law.
“The state information commission should impose a fine or take action against the commission officials for violating the RTI act 2005,” he appealed. He continued that examination Conducting Bodies such as APPSC need to comply with RTI act 2005 which includes provisions to provide copies to students regarding their answer-sheets, cut-offs, answer keys and inspection of answer copies.
He also alleged that the few optional papers were comparatively easier than in comparison with other subjects depriving other hardworking candidates and raised a doubt whether the questions were set by an expert.
Summing up, a history candidate who doesn’t want to be named said “the questions in many optional were also out of syllabus which deliberately lessens the chances for qualifying cut off marks.
The deprived further appeal the state government to intervene into the matter and appoint highly eminent academicians and scholars with vast past experiences as recruiting body for APSCCE examination.
They also requested to conduct the APCSSE examination on the lines of Civil Services and terminated all those responsible for the blunder.