
ECI order for special summery revision of photo electoral rolls


Election commission of India (ECI) has order for special summery revision of photo electoral rolls with 1st January 2020 as qualifying date. Said Deputy Chief electoral officer and under secretary (Election) Liken Koyu.

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Koyu inform that, as per existing policy revision of electoral roll with reference to 1st January of coming year as the qualifying date is being announced on July 23. All works related to summery revision, inclusion and deletion, verification, new addition for first time voters and later publication should be completed before national voters day (NVD) on January 25 every year. The special summery revision of photo electoral roll of intensive nature shall be carried out in all state except Haryana, Jharkhand and Maharashtra.

He said that all stake holders need to engage themselves, while political party need to appoint booth level agent for the purpose so that all expected new and young voters (18-19) years get the benefit and they also become eligible voter and may able to take part in democratic system as well as voting during election.

The electoral Verification Programme (EVP) will be started from 0l“ September, 2019. Every citizens can verify their names and other electoral details also through “ voters helpline” mobile app. NVSP Portal. The citizens can also visit the nearest common service centre (CSC) or can also submit a hard copy of filled up form through booth level officer (BLO), nearest administrative officer who act as electoral registration officer (ERO). This year more than two hundred Common service centre (CSC) are being opened in various parts of state.

House to house verification by BLO will be carried out from September 1 to September 30. The process for draft publication of voter list will be completed by October 15. The period for filling claim and objection shall be from October 15 to October 30. Special campaign will also be there on November 2nd, 3rd and again on November 9 and 10 respectively. The disposal of claim and objection shall be completed by November 15 while the final publication of the electoral roll has been decided by ECI from January 1 to 15 2020. Koyu added.

Koyu further said that for better and error free electoral roil all political party need to appoint the Booth level agent (BLA) so that they can help the new voters of their area in getting their enrolment and assist the BLO.

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