North East

Bodos suspends 24hrs proposed Bodoland Bandh on 25th April


In response to the letter issued by the Government of India inviting the ABSU, Joint Action Committee for Boroland Movement and the NDFB (P) for the Political Level Tripartite talk to be held on the 25th April, 2017, in New Delhi, the Joint movement group has temporarily suspended the  24hr proposed Bodoland Bandh called on 25th April 2017 in order to create a conducive atmosphere.

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The Movement group looks forward for a positive response from both the governments through the scheduled Political level tripartite talk after series of democratic mass movement since the NDA government came to power in 2014.   The movement group also anticipates a Permanent solution of the long pending Bodo Issue within short period for the interest of sustainable peace and all round development in the region.

The joint movement group demands for adopting a clear-cut  and pragmatic policy decision from the Government of India and expects a positive outcome from the ensuing talk to be held on the 25th April 2017 because it is also an election commitment of the present government.

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