Arunachal: Weeklong training course for physical education teachers begins in Pasighat

PASIGHAT ( By Maksam Tayeng )- One week state level refresher training course for physical education teachers and sports interested teachers of the State was inaugurated by Shashwat Sourabh, Special Secretary, Secondary Education & IT, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh on Monday here at Pasighat outdoor stadium as Chief Guest among the presence of male and female teachers who are to undergo the refresher training course, Dy. Director of School Education, East Siang District, DTO (Bharat Scout & Guide) and others.
In total, 37 male teachers and 19 female teachers from every part of the districts are participating in the refresher and training course in which largest numbers of sports interested female teachers have been recorded, informed Tanya Padung, DTO (BS & G) who welcomed the participants in his inaugural message during the welcome address.
While, Jongge Yirang, DDSE cum Organizing Chairman of the refresher course, in his short speech on aims & objectives, advised the attending teachers to avail the best from these weeklong refresher cum training courses which is also good for self maintenance of health and fitness.
While L. Sokun Singh YWO from the directorate of secondary education briefed the participants about the importance of the physical activities and compulsory implementation of yoga and Kho-Kho in schools.
Meanwhile, Shashwat Sourabh as chief guest highlighted the importance of physical education and activities who also advised the teachers to carry out more and more physical activities in the schools.
Adhitya Chintaman, a National Coach has been deputed from Kho-Kho federation of India to coach the participants while Rohit Bori from Arts of Living has been deputed as yoga trainer.
The refresher cum training covered fit India, yoga, Kho-Kho, self defense techniques, importance of sports for school going children, importance of health and hygiene for school going children etc, informed Padung, DTO (BS & G).