
Arunachal : AAPSU launches Operation clean drive against ILP Violators, Illegal Bangladeshis

Wearing T-Shirt with slogan ” Our Land-Our life” and ” Operation clean drive against illegal Bangladeshis” APSU members were seen checking every passing vehicle  and construction site


The All Arunachal Pradesh Students’ Union (AAPSU) on Friday launched  “Operation Clean Drive’ across the state and expressed satisfaction over the successful drive against the ILP violtaers and illegal immigrants.


AAPSU, in a release, said thatthe drive headed by chairman Tatung Taga has driven out more than 1,000 ILP violators from Capital Complex only.

Wearing  T-Shirt with slogan ” Our Land-Our life”   and ” Operation clean drive against illegal Bangladeshis”  members of the AAPSU were seen checking every passing vehicle near the Raj Bhavan, and other places special construction site all over capital complex.

Capital SP M Harsha Vardhan said 134 people were caught without ILP in the capital on Friday. He said all of them were sent out of the state after following due legal process.

Meanwhile SP Vardhan also cautioned that any attempt to take the law into one’s hands would be dealt with strictly, even as the AAPSU said it would continue with its drive tomorrow.

AAPSU expressed their satisfaction and appreciated  the support of the GoAP, police department, district administration, market welfare societies, community based organisations, and all well-wishers for their support to the drive,

In Lower Dibang Valley, 50 people without ILP were held during the drive conducted by the Lower Dibang Valley District Students’ Union.

The union informed that all the defaulters were handed over to the police for further legal action.

The  Wancho Students’ Union (WSU) and the Rujen Students’ Union informed that their members carried out ILP checking in Kanubari in Longding district, in collaboration with police personnel led by Kanubari police station OC RK Rai. Eight violators were detected by the team, they said.

The unions said the administration launched an operation to detect persons without ILPs two weeks ago, during which 24 people were apprehended.

Urging contractors, builders, private industries, tea factories, the bazaar committee and traders of Kanubari not to employ people of suspect nationality, Joham said the WSU would conduct such drives in the area in the future too.

The union also asked those who employ non-locals not to interfere when papers are checked.

The AAPSU announced its Operation Clean Drive following the publication of the NRC in Assam on 30 July, and asked all illegal immigrants to leave the state. The union also warned Indians who do not have ILPs to obtain it within 15 days or face deportation.

Soon after the publication of the NRC, the home department also intensified ILP checking in the state.


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