
Arunachal: Villagers carry out voluntary flood protection works to minimize soil erosion

Pasighat- ( By- Maksam Tayeng)-  While shouldering their own responsibilities toward protecting and securing their own areas and lands, the villagers of Borguli and Seram under Mebo Sub-division carried out its massive voluntary flood protection works by felling down trees and other natural structures upon the river bank to divert the river currents and minimize soil erosion.

The people of Borguli village carried out massive social service of felling down trees and other natural structures along the bank of river Siang today at opposite side of the village in the Siang river bank where the flooding Siang river has eroded away more than 20-50 mtrs of land toward the village.

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Arunachal: Villagers carry out voluntary flood protection works to minimize soil erosion

The trees felled along the river bank is a traditional tactic of the villagers to divert the river current and those felled in the riverbank are tightened by strong wires.

Meanwhile, the Seram village also carried out similar voluntary flood control works in between Borguli and Seram and used cut down trees as a deterrent to the flood current. The Disaster Management Committee of Seram led the voluntary flood control work even by engaging an elephant to lift the trees and logs near the bank of river Siang.


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