Arunachal: Student Unions discusses pitiful condition in education

The one-day informative meeting called by the All Arunachal Pradesh Students’ Union (AAPSU) here at NEFA club on Saturday to discuss the state’s pitiful condition in education and health sectors.
Attended by several student bodies like RGURSF, SUN, RGUSU, DSUs and BSUs, the meeting was conducted to determine the basic problems pertaining to education and health sectors specially.
The day long discussion felt the urgent need for various reforms in education department to fulfil the needs of the students. The untimely distribution of textbooks in govt. Schools was deliberated in a large scale by the student leaders. It was also seen that most of the govt. Schools were functioning without basic amenities like drinking water, library , laboratory, proper sanitation, Insufficiency of subject teachers and lack of proper infrastructures also discussed.
AAPSU President Hawa Bagang in his presidential address emphasized on the need for codification in customary laws and questioned on the statehood day celebration.
“Some of our teachers and professors have become PROs and OSDs for political parties and some are deputed in non teaching departments. To achieve quality education, such trends should be repealed and teachers should get back to their duties”, said the AAPSU president.
The supply of textbooks have turned into a situation like the infamous PDS scam where funds for purchasing the books are being misused and irrelevant books are being bought, such as Sanskrit. This has to be stopped and education department has o assure that books reach before the beginning of academic sessions, he added.
Conveying the hardships faced by the research scholars of RGU, RGURSF Chairman Margum Ado urged for proper implementation of UGC guidelines in recruitment of Assisatn professor and Associate professor.
He also informed the gathering on the need for introduction of courses like mass communication, sociology and anthropology in govt. Colleges. PG courses have been made available in RGU but it would be more appropriate if the students are taught about such courses in UG level, also there are many NET qualified students from these backgrounds without any opportunity to get employment, this could be a platform, he added.
“Research Scholars in our state are facing identity crisis. They have nowhere to go as there is a lack of govt funded research for us. Also research involves a lot of time and pain by the time we complete our research our upper age limit is also reached making us ineligible to qualify for any interview. Therefore additional 2 years for MPhil and 5 years for PHD should be given”, asserted Nasi Koji a PHD scholar of RGU.
Meanwhile AAPSU Vice President (Protocol) Dr. Tayuk Sonam suggested for a one time relaxation for MPhil and PHD holders from exemption of B Ed degrees in teacher recruitment process. He also called for revival of district libraries for the public, as it was learnt that most of the libraries in districts are not functioning.
AAPSU’s General secretary Tobom Dai, also the meeting chairman further informed that the AAPSU plans to call on the state govt on the issues discussed, very shortly after all the survey reports are collected. He also sought cooperation from the state govt on their demands related to benefit of the students.