Arunachal: Secretary DoNER reviews on going developmental works

TAWANG- A review meeting was convened in the conference hall of DC office Tawang this afternoon to review the on going developmental works under DoNER ministry Govt of India. The meeting was chaired by Secretary DoNER Inder Jit Singh in presence of Chief Secretary Arunachal Pradesh Naresh Kumar, Jt.Secretary DoNER Ms. Anuradha S.Chagti, Secretary Planning, IPR and RWD NT Glow,Secretary Health P. Parthiban, DC Tawang Sang Phuntsok SP Tawang Bomge Kamduk,ZPC Tawang Leki Gombu other senior officers from Ministry of DoNER,State capital and all the Head of Departments of Tawang.
DC Tawang conveyed welcome and showed power point presentation giving detailed information on project works under progress and proposed projects for Tawang District.
Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar,highlighted about the geographical strategic importance ,its remoteness and need for improvement in air and digital connectivity of the state.He also stressed for provision of fund for quality control with projects sanctioned and online system of updating progress on schemes at Ministry level from states.
Secretary DoNER Shri Inder Jit Singh in his address highlighted about the low fund absorbtion capacity of NE states due to which funds get lapsed,he asked that projects which are supposed to be completed within two to three years period shouldnt be kept lingering,but this shouldnt mean that quality of the work is compromised. The states needs to identify
concern ministry according to their needs and projects and DoNER will play active role in getting those projects approved by the ministry. He stressed on need of special initiatives to expedite the completion of various projects in various districts of NE states maintaining good standard and quality.
Jt.Secy DoNER and Director DoNER also spoke on the occassion. NT Glow Secretary planning conveyed his gratitude to secretary DoNER,Chief Secretary and others for making this meeting successful.
Earlier this morning Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar, made physical inspection of various under going projects in Tawang like walk through market, CC Pavement in township, proposed parking in old market,Proposed beautification site of township,etc while Secretary health P.Parthiban launched Vaccination utsav at
KDS District Hospital Tawang and inspected the under construction IPD ward and interacted with DMO,MS,Doctors and health workers.