
Arunachal: Kalinga Brown bird boon for Hill Region

Anjaw-    Kalinga Brown bird is boon for Hill Region, … to know how,,? read this story of a farmer residing in a remote village of Anjaw district of Arunachal Pradesh. 

While its home to malnutrition, poverty and gender disparity, rural India is increasingly becoming a place where people are exploring the possibilities of rearing backyard poultry particularly in eastern most remotest corner of Arunachal Pradesh of India. Women like Ratna Upadhiya, 30, from the Place of Millennium Sun ray i.e. Anjaw, have not only overcome the livelihood improvement through keeping backyard poultry flocks but have also achieved nutrition security for their families.

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Explaining her past, Ratna Upadhiya in Swami Camp of Anjaw district says: “We are marginal people and always searching the ways for sustainable livelihood option. When food prices in the market keep rising, we hardly have a choice to buy nutritious food for our children and the family.”

After six months of managing Kalinga Brown chicken in her backyard, she now has many reasons to smile. “Because I raise the chickens in my backyard, I am in a position now to add egg and meat to our food plates and allow my family members to grow well with adequate protein intake.”

Intervention of ICAR KVK Anjaw (Training , Monitoring and Guidance) :

After seen the prospectus of poultry farming in the district, Ratna Upadhiya has decided to establish own poultry unit at home level with available resources, she visited KVK office at Khupa and thoroughly discussed with Dr Santosh Kumar SMS Animal Science and trained on poultry housing, feeding and health management before rearing of chicks so that the birds can be reared to attain their full genetic potential. She started her unit with 200 nos of Kalingo Brown birds reared in intensive condition for initial four weeks with the available resources after which they were reared either on backyard or semi-intensive system.

The birds were fed with a mixture of compound concentrate feed, locally available feed materials viz., broken rice, maize and kitchen waste with the supplement of vitamins, mineral mixture and go ark were feed. Kalinga Brown bird attained 1-1.5 kg body weight at age of 50 to 60 days, these birds having double advantage of the characteristics of the indigenous bird in terms of hardiness & colour, high weight gain like those of broiler birds and high egg lying capacity like exotic layers. Because of this characteristics, she took advantages during this lockdown period, there was a huge demand of poultry meat in market which fetch good price. She decided to sell the male for meat purpose and hens are retained for egg production to sustain their unit for longer period.

She expend some total of Rs. 18000/- and sold bird amount Rs. 42000/-. Thus, total expenditure was more than the double within the two and half month. She is continuing the poultry farming and egg production. KVK Scientists have been monitoring the guiding the ongoing Poultry activity regularly have evaluated its impact on a sample of beneficiary households.

A Cost Benefit analysis indicates the performance of Kalongo Brown in backyard system at Anjaw situation works very well. She is having sufficient supply of food and her family is nutritional secured and also possibly get a steady flow of income from their poultry unit. The market demand of this birds under backyard system definitely exceed due to its acceptability among the tribal people ,making it may an effective means to contribute in poverty reduction and provide viable option for nutritional security in remotest tribal areas of Arunachal Pradesh.


Considering the benefits of backyard poultry birds, Ratna Upadhiya had decided to continue with this enterprise as a subsidiary activity to supplement household income and nutritional security. The success of these women had also motivated others and many farm women and other unemployed rural youths have come forward to start this enterprise in their village. The farm women had also expressed their happiness for the performance of these birds because of their low mortality, faster growth rate and higher egg production with large sized eggs.

The success of the backyard poultry keeping needs to be popularized to address the issues of increasing household income and nutritional security.

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