Arunachal: Army recruitment rally at Rupa is the best in NE region- Col Maqsood

The Army Recruitment Rally at Rupa has been the best in the entire North Eastern region, said Director Recruiting Col Maqsood
Rupa ( West Kameng )
A massive Recruitment Rally was held at Rupa, Arunachal Pradesh from Nov 20, to recruit the eligible, volunteer and energetic youth from the Border state. Thousands of the youth had registered for the rally online and waited eagerly for the event.
Pema Khandu, CM, Arunachal Pradesh, who lays special importance to the everlasting Army Civil relationship in the state and particularly in West Kameng and Tawang districts, posted his personal Staff Dorji Wangchuk to ensure smooth and excellent conduct of the Rally.
The CM, during his visit to Rupa on Nov 18, met the GOC, Ball of Fire Division and discussed the modalities of conduct to make it a Model Rally for rest of the state, region and the nation.
The GOC, on Nov 22, visited the site and took stock of the proceedings, accompanied by the staff from Tenga Valley Military Station, Recruiting Directorate and local Civil Administration.
The Civil staff was represented by Assistant DC Rupa, Sanjay Gurung, OC, Police Station Bhalukpong, the Circle Officers, and Official from Education, PWD and Medical branches.
The General officer interacted with the Candidates and the Conducting staff, looking into the procedures followed and the selections done till then.
The Director Recruiting Col Maqsood, informed all present that the Rupa Rally has been the best in the entire North Eastern region, a Model worth emulating by rest of the country.
During informal interaction, the GOC exhorted Civil Administration and especially the Youth to make best use of the opportunity available to them with presence of Army in Kameng and Tawang Sectors for preparing for such like recruitment.
He assured of the Special efforts by the Formation to train the shortlisted candidates from Area of responsibility for the written exam scheduled in January end.
On the sidelines of his visit, he encouraged the Civil Administration Officials to explore feasibility of the conduct of a Maitree Diwas like event in Tenga Valley as well, which was well received by the locals to further bolster Civil Military ties.
The GOC assured, on behalf of Army authorities of the conduct of a number of civil military joint sporting and cultural events in the sector, as part of activities planned for the next one year.
Civil Administration, particularly the CM himself as been the torch bearer of the strong civil military relationship prevalent in the state for decades now.
Pema Khandu has met the GOsC of Tezpur based Corps and the Ball of Fire Division a number of times in the recent past in this regard.
The Rally is likely to culminate on 24/ 26 Nov 18, with all the formalities completed, except for the written exam scheduled in 27 Jan 19.