Arunachal: APSBSAP district level consultations held at Seppa

SEPPA- The district level consultations for preparing the Arunachal Pradesh State Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan was organized at Seppa (East Kameng district) on 3 July 2023.
This is part of the series of district level consultations which kick started at Ziro, Lower Subansiri district on 10 March 2023. These consultations were organized by WWF-India led by Dr Priya Gupta and Mr Ranju Dodum.
Diverse stakeholders like Deputy Commissioner, Additional Deputy Commissioner, Circle Officer, Gaon Burah, Gaon Buri, officers of Line departments, Forest Department staff, Youth group members, women’s group and NGOs participated in the consultations and provided their valuable inputs.
The workshops highlighted the need for protecting watersheds, catchment and water source areas, finding solutions to mitigate wildlife conflict to protect mithun (Bos frontalis), establishing water treatment plants, restricting Golden Mahseer angling in breeding seasons, providing nature based livelihood generation and diversification options, and providing waste management solutions.