
Arunachal: International day of clean air, blue skies celebrated in Tawang

TAWANG-     International day of clean air and blue skies was celebrated in Tawang. The programme at Khandro Drowa Tsangmo district hospital was participated by Deputy Commissioner, Kanki Darang, ZPC Leki Gombu, Secretary General MMT Namgey Tsering, MMT Tawang unit President Pema Chowang,Secretary general TMEs Kesang Norbu, Secretary WWA Tashi wangmo, doctors and health department officials.

Addressing the participants DC Kanki Darang said that all of us should be responsible to save and protect environment, the developmental works should be planned with minimum damage to the environment. Compensatory afforestations under various projects like CAMPA are meant to promote afforestation and regeneration activity for forest land used for developmental activities.

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While ZPC Tawang Leki Gombu assured that awareness regarding environmental pollution will be disseminated to the PRI members. He spoke on importance of biodiversity and consequences of deforestation. He appealed the members saying dont shoot with gun,but shoot with a camera.

Earlier DSO(Surveillance) Dr.Sangey Thinlay gave brief description about various types of pollutions and ways to minimise ever increasing environmental pollution through power point presentation.

The International Day of Clean Air for blue skies is commemorated annually on 7 September in recognition of the fact that clean air is important for the health and day-to-day lives of people, while air pollution is the single greatest environmental risk to human health and one of the main avoidable causes of death and disease globally.


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