
Arunachal: Chowna Mein Expresses Concern Over declining performance in School Education

Mein called upon the teaching community to develop a sense of responsibility and belongingness towards their schools and students.

NAMSAI-  Expressing deep concern over the dismal performance in the Central Board of Secondary Examination by the Govt Schools across the State in general and Namsai District in particular, Deputy Chief Minister, Chowna Mein convened a District Level Coordination Meeting at the Multipurpose Cultural Hall in Namsai today to discuss the reasons behind the poor results in CBSE and to devise a mechanism to improve the quality of education among the students.

Citing the important role played by teachers in molding the career of the students and their contributions in nation building, Mein called upon the teaching community to develop a sense of responsibility and belongingness towards their schools and students.

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The Deputy Chief Minister Chowna Mein stated that the declining performance in the school education of the State is a major concern for all, which has compelled him to convene the meeting with a heavy heart to have an interaction with all the stakeholders and identify remedial measures to improve the education scenario.

The role of a teacher is crucial in the shaping of a child’s future. Emphasizing on this point, he called upon the teachers to undertake their responsibilities with utmost sincerity and reminded them that the future of their students heavily relied on them.

Taking note of the fact the student to teacher ratio in the Govt. schools is proportionate in the state, Mein mentioned that a little rationalisation with regard to the posting of subject teachers is the need of the hour. He also assured that the Govt. will look into the infrastructure and faculty requirements in the region to further support the education system.

At the same time, he lamented that one should not use these as excuses for not rendering their duties as a teacher. Adding on, he stated that the infrastructure provided by the Government including the teachers’ quarters, toilets and kitchen should be adequately maintained by the school authorities, by cultivating a sense of belongingness and accountability.

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With a view to enhance the quality of education across the state, the state Government will also be taking up a model school in every constituency, with a fund provision of Rs. 10 Cr per school.

He further called upon the SMCs/SDMCs to play a proactive role to oversee the functioning of the Schools and asked them to convene a meeting of CBOs and NGOs to have more deliberations on the matter so as to find out an effective remedial measure. He also suggested that the CBOs/NGOs should come forward and adopt some schools and monitor their functioning.

He then called upon the School authorities to adopt the latest technologies to improve the education system in the state. Mein cited two examples of such technology adoption including the ‘Hamara Vidhyalaya’ Dashboard through which one can monitor the functioning of schools as well as oversee the availability of adequate facilities and the ‘ASILIA’ an e-fencing based attendance monitoring system to do away with teacher absenteeism.

Lekang MLA, Jummum Ete Deori also spoke on the occasion calling for serious thoughts on the matter and for collective efforts to improve the education scenario.

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Deputy Commissioner, C R Khampa informed that Namsai District stands in the third rank from the bottom in the State and also the third rank from the bottom amongst the Aspirational Districts in the country. Citing that one of the reasons could be the students dismissing their studies after school hours and the lack of a congenial atmosphere for study at home.

He called upon the teachers to go a little beyond their formal duties and visit every student’s home to counsel their parents for creating a congenial atmosphere for studying at home. He further instructed to conduct a minimum of four meetings of School Management Committees on a quarterly basis annually and warned about stringent disciplinary actions as per CCS for teachers found absent during duty hours.

Earlier, DDSE Namsai, Koing Samon Umbon highlighted the performance of the schools and the reasons for poor results. She informed that at present, Namsai District has 187 Schools, 711 Teachers and 11873 students and 25 Guest Teachers have been appointed through MLA LAD Fund through which the gap in subject teachers will be filled up. While DPO, Keshab Sharma through power point presentation highlighted the functioning and facilities available in the schools through Hamara Vidhyalaya Dashboard.

The meeting was attended by the Administrative Officers cum Chairman of SMCs/DLMCs, HoDs, School Heads, SMCs & SMDCs, Teachers, CDPO and Anganwadi Mentors.

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