
Arunachal: Training cum input distribution programme at Pagi in Leparada

Inputs were distributed to the farmers viz. seeds of kharif vegetables, Cowpea, bhindi, bitter gourd, brinjal, amaranthus, cucumber and french bean etc.

LEPARADA– Training cum input distribution programme under Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP) was organized by ICAR (RC) for NEH Region, Arunachal Pradesh Centre, Basar at Pagi-II, Leparada district on 26th May 2022.

The programme was chaired by Mijum Riba (Youth Leader, Pagi-II) who appreciated the efforts of ICAR for reaching out the village for livelihood improvement of tribal farmers. He requested all farmers to learn the technologies developed by ICAR and try to adopt for generation of income as well as self employment.

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During the technical session, Dr. Raghuveer Singh, Senior Scientist (Plant Pathology) briefed about the roles and mandates of ICAR and the technologies developed by the institute. He further highlighted the disease and insect pest management of khasi mandarin, maize, paddy and king chilli.

Dr. Thejangulie Angami, Scientist (Horticulture) explained about the nucellar seedling production of khasi mandarin as well as briefed about some important techniques for cultivation of kharif vegetables.

Dr. Joken Bam, Senior Scientist (Veterinary Parasitology) talked about the livestock rearing system and its importance.  Participants were also made aware about the infectious diseases of livestock, poultry and mithun prevalent in the region. She also emphasized about the importance of vaccination and urge the farmers to get their livestock vaccinated.

Badapmain Makdoh, Scientist (Agronomy) emphasized on the importance of incorporating short duration varieties of soyabean and also highlighted on the popularization of crop like til/sesamum in the district.

The programme was followed by an open scientist-farmers interaction to address the problems of farmers. After the interaction, inputs were distributed to the farmers viz. seeds of kharif vegetables (Cowpea, bhindi, bitter gourd, brinjal, amaranthus, cucumber and french bean etc.) vermicompost, knapsack sprayer and ginger rhizomes for planting.

The farmers were elated and contended with the training programme and further seek for more training in the future.


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