Satang Mao-pi Celebrated with Traditional Enthusiasm

The Theravada Buddhist across state celebrated the auspicious occasion of Satang Mao-pi with traditional enthusiasm and solemn devotion at their respective Kyong (Viharas) today.
Satang Mao-pi is a Buddhist day of observance and a day for practicing the Buddha’s teachings and meditation, which is being observed by both the lay people and ordained members of the Sangha together. The Buddha has taught that these Satang days are for cleansing of the defiled mind resulting in inner calm and joy. During the day, the lay followers make a conscious effort to keep the Five Precepts or the Eight Precepts. On this day, both lay and ordained members of their Sangha intensify their practice, deepen their knowledge and express communal commitment through millennia-old acts of lay-monastic reciprocity.
Celebrating the occasion at Theravada Buddhist Vihara Itanagar, the Abbott Venerable Ratnadeepa in his sermon dwelt in length about the precepts meant to discipline the mind and focus the attention on the practice of the Dhamma.
Later, the members of the Theravada Buddhist Society Itanagar also took part in the impressive award presentation ceremony during the celebration of National Voluntary Blood Donation Day organized by Arunachal Vivekananda Yuva Shakti (AVYS) at Banquet Hall Itanagar. The Theravada Buddhist Society Itanagar was also felicitated along with others by the AVYS for rendering support in organizing blood donations camp during celebrations of Buddha Jayanti and for donating blood by its active members.